I seem to be quite taken by them but I am not sure if it is something I like because I am seeing them more or if it is something I would like without outside influences affecting me...

Image HERE and HERE
I have also been seeing a lot of the convex mirrors sans eagle which I like too. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this room BTW....

Image HERE and HERE

Love the mirror (the round shape, but in black perhaps)..no eagle though. :)
Those two living rooms with the convex mirrors are so very nice!
YES! I have been seeing these pop up everywhere! I even saw a white one the other day and LOVED IT. I do like the eagle...but only when used in certain types of design. I love it when you put the traditional piece in a not so traditional room, like picture two. Also, keeping the mirror from being too huge keeps it from being so overpowering.
But I also have a convex mirror obsession.
Hmm.. not loving the eagle- although those pictures do make it look good!!
Yes as well as a plain round gold mirror too. I LOVE gold mirrors! Great post my sweet!
Love these mirrors - so classic.
They are classic, but even classic can become trendy. The good thing is, even after they go out of vogue, they are still classic! So, my personal test is "Would I still love it even if it weren't being shown everywhere?"
Beautiful photos - especially the black room. I loved that the first time I saw it. Gorgeous!
I love love that room too. And I really love that mirror. I'm looking for a gold mirror for my bedroom.. much cheaper than these are I'm sure!!
I like the bird but I don't think I would have one in my home. Just not my personal style. Know what I mean?
Love the old 'classic' look - can take or leave the bird.
I am not crazy about the bird, but I love round convex mirrors!
That Miles Redd room is insane, insane in a fabulous way. I love it. Those convex mirrors are fab I think. I keep seeing these eagle ones EVERYWHERE too! Like in all my local antique/consignment shops. They are kinda haunting me, I like them in an old school, God Bless America - colonial type of way, but not sure if they'd suit my look either. Hum. Love the plain round ones though. Fun post!
i think it would remind me too much of high school..the eagle was our mascot
Have always loved the convex mirror - probably sans eagle, though...
A respectful 'no' for me. They just remind me of the White House.
I think they are classic...anything with a national symbol on it will be classic, at least thats what I think :)
I like this classic piece; after the trendy buzz subsides, I'd like to think it would have lots of miles left. Good post!
I had pondered such a post as well. I had caught on that the Federal Style mirror was making a splash again. I snagged two last summer (ebay). I painted one a gloss black & hung it outside in our covered patio area with it's black & white stripped awning. The second one I did in a high gloss orange & hung over the bed in a guest room. I love them but like anything if you see them too much they fall off your radar. Miles Redd's room with the convex mirror, sans eagle, is one of my very favorites.
i do like it, just not in the literal, straightforward sense. i'd want to make it look cheeky in some way, not patriotic.
Hi-- I stumbled on your blog while researching the Federal convex mirrors. They've been in style for more than 175 years, which is about the age of my house -- I just scored one of these mirrors on Ebay, for above the parlor fireplace.
It looks like it belongs, as if the original owners of our old house had put it there in 1832 and left it.
I'm considering restoring the finish, which is not attractive, and as the mirror is not a period piece I'm not going to feel guilty about that. But there's nothing wrong with flaunting our national bird; mine's in a peaceful pose.
OK confession -- I never had a desire for a convex eagle mirror until we bought this ca. 1832 house last year. The wall above the parlor fireplace just insisted on it.
I used to think they were sort of goofy looking, but I'm a convert now. National bird and all.
(But I'd love to find one with a flower basket instead of an eagle, for one of the guest rooms.)
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