This image from Mr. Hadley doesn't help the matter....

I hate Pottery Barn because as a decorator I will see something at Market and get excited about it, quote it for a client and then 4 months later it will pop up in their catalog. It is frustrating how the rip off other (smaller) companies designs and then mass produce them in China. In fact I am predicting right now that they have their own "regency eagle convex mirror" in the works as we speak.
I love them because they do bring affordable design to the masses and their catalogs are always styled beautifully, especially in the fall.
Yes, I realize my beloved West Elm does the exact same thing, what can I say? I am a hypocrite....
Marianne, I feel exactly the same way. I don't have clients to answer to but I hate seeking something out that I think is special, only to have it turn up everywhere down the road and for much cheaper. I'm not a big fan of West Elm either but for some reason, they don't seem as egregious. I hope no one is giving you a hard time about this. :)
Oh totally agree with you. I have a love/hate relationship with Pottery Barn as well. The price points are good, but they are not amazing and it's horrible to see something that you took the time to find and then have it mass produced and in everyone's home.
It's hard. I feel the same way about Steve Madden shoes. My SIL works for them and I do have their shoes, but they are exact replicates of shoes of the runway. It's so sad. I always think of that S&TC episode where Samantha and Carrie go to the Valley to by fake Fendi's and Samantha realizes how sad they look and go against it.
Ah ok I could keep going and going, but I totally agree with M!
Now pretty please decide to come to NY and stay with me so we can go to Market together. Pretty please!
Ha! I know what you mean- The latest suitcase craze is driving me nuts. You can't sell a beat up suitcase PB!
I always say that Pottery Barn is ONLY great when you can get something on major sale. Otherwise, go original.
Wow. There's been a whole can of Pottery Barn worms open0ed up today! ;)
I would never give you a bad time since I have not walked in your (as a decorator)shoes. I must admit that it is nice to be able to afford items that are typically unobtainable buy many of us(darn those kids in college!).I don't however like how they copy & have massed produced in some foreign location. I guess I can't have my cake & eat it too. So happy you spoke your mind :D
The topic of Pottery Barn, Restoration Hardware, William Sonoma Home, West Elm and a slew of others will bring out strong emotions. As a designer with a retail store I have to deal with customers who will bring in a torn page from catalog and want me to match or give better price--it is impossible to compete with these huge named stores--they mass produce which gives them a price point I can't touch. I do source West Elm to my clients and like you question why West Elm always gets my love and support.
I just saw your comment re: market. I'm a 40 min train ride away from Manhattan. If you come you can stay with me! I'm working on the guest room as I type.
Yes, such a hypocrite. I can't believe I am friends with you. :) Kidding. So excited about lunch today. And I have the cd's!
This just made me giggle:)
I agree 100% about pottery barn, although right now I have one client who is on a serious serious budget, and a few months ago we picked up some great throw pillows for like $14. Ah, so I have the same exact problem with PB. I look through their catalog and go, urgh, ah. Then I found myself buying those black/cream crewel pillows for like $18k this past Tuesday. FOR ME. So here I am always thinking in my head I hate PB, but I'm also purchasing from them because it makes financial sense for me! :) I like the discussion though...
I totally understand how you feel - I've thought the exact same things before.
i totally agree...and totally love that yellow door!
wow, i haven't really thought about this before (i also don't have to deal with clients). good point and i can definitely understand the love hate relationship.
i love that eagle on that door though, this much i know is true:)
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