Thursday, January 12, 2012

Behind The Scenes

Picture taken by client on job site this week.  
That is me in the brown jacket and rolled up if that would help in the downpour*.

Recently I mentioned how I remember building jobs by the progression of weather and visualize the family living in the home down the road, always in a different season.  This one is no different.  Even though this was a dreary and rainy day, when I looked at the house all I saw was a family relaxing in the sun at the lake.

*This job is at a lake 2 hours outside of Birmingham and this is the day that worked for all of us....just wanted to put that out there in case you are wondering why we didn't just come back when the weather was better.

Off to Market in Atlanta, have a great rest of the week!


Stephanie Sabbe said...

Love it!

Gwen Driscoll said...

Headed to market too. Maybe we'll run into each other!

Leslie said...

That's so neat that you have the vision, even when it's pouring down rain!

homes to let in Birmingham said...

You have close houses and you are also near to the market. It is an advantage if your house is near to a market or drugstores so you can run all over in case of emergency.