Above pulling fabric with his Mom, below waiting patiently at the receiving warehouse for furniture to be loaded. (the guys at the warehouse are great with him, a plus in my book)
In some ways I am looking forward to having a routine and this not being a sight seen one too many times in my car...

And while I may not be winning any mother-of-the-year awards anytime soon I have loved all this time spent together. We have a schedule that works for us and it is nice to be working along and catch a glimpse of that face.

Also, I am sure Henry gets tired of running errands all the time (note the expression)....

Tomorrow though change is coming. I know it will be fine if I can just get past the first few days. I LOVE my job and that makes it so much easier. The place he is going came highly recommended by several friends and that is comforting. It is just the thought of someone else feeding him and holding him and playing with him all day gives me a lump in my throat the size of Texas. So for those of you who have been through this and have any advice I would love to hear it. Talking to other mothers has been wonderful so far and made me feel so much better. I have a feeling I am going to need some help tomorrow....
Will say a prayer for you Marianne! Hope all goes well and you have alot of peace.
I promise you - it WILL be okay! I went back to work when my son was 9 weeks old. He is now 6 months old and is thriving at daycare. I'm not going to lie - I cried the first day I dropped him off. But I made it through. I found that I did better when I wasn't talking about him. People would try to be nice and ask me about the baby and I'd turn into a basket case. I did better that first week when I just focused on work. I also had the privilege of pumping when I first went back to work and I loved taking that time out of my day to feel like I was doing something directly for my son's benefit, even if I wasn't there with him. I thought I would want the daycare to send me photos of him, but I found that they would only make me miss him more. After about a month, I was able to text for updates, talk about him freely without getting weepy, and absolutely LOVE picking him up at the end of the day. I've found that he is much more social than other babies whose moms stay at home and his development is off the charts. My time with him in the morning and evening is much more quality time because I am focused on HIM and not trying to get a million things done. Hang in there - you'll get through it!
Marianne, I feel your heartache! I went back to work when my Evie was 9 weeks old. Luckily my mom kept her until she was almost 6 months old, and then she started daycare. The first week was very hard. But now she's almost 9 months old and she loves "school." I'm sure Henry is going to a reputable place where they will love on him all day long. And the routine will be great. Give it a little time. You will come to love it, too. This is just his first step of many more toward inevitably becoming a little more independent. You're doing a wonderful job, and Henry will do great!!
While I can't say I know how you feel (I've just chosen to put design work on hold for now to be home with the baby), I do know many friends who have all felt the same way as you about going back to work and starting daycare. Although it's very hard, they all say it gets easier with time. Wishing you lots of love and strength this week!
It is tough, Marianne, but all will work out.
I will say a preyer for you this week.
You will be fine! It was so hard that first day but when you realize his teachers love him too it will help! I have been amazed how day care has actually helped my baby so much! He has thrived learning new things every day and is learning to play with others! I have a new appreciation for day care that I never thought I would have. It is so hard but you will make it!! Hope you like your day care as much as I like mine. Maybe i will run into you soon!!
Your little one is so cute! It sounds like you've had wonderful adventures, even though I'm sure it hasn't been easy. Best of luck tomorrow.
thinking of you both! love, donna
I'll say a prayer for you and Henry. It seems like it is harder on the parents than the sweet babies when they are seperated. The kids run in or are met with open arms and for the most part don't look back. They are experiencing new things daily, how exciting. I know it will be hard and you will miss him. It will make the time y'all have that much more special. *Disclaimer coming from somone who does not have kids, but lots of her friends do, so she feels like a sponge when it comes to motherhood things ;)
AWWWWW....I am behind. Glad to hear that it went OK. It is SOOOO hard, but it does get easier. It really does. I never thought it would and it did! My son is 3 1/2 now and I must admit, there are still some days that I get a little teary, but you will do great! Just hang in there!
Hey Lady - Hope it's going well for you! I feel like such a dope every time I walk into the office with E on my hip ... but I have no choice! Just have to laugh :)
I hope you all are doing well with it! I'm sure he will do great once the routine is established.
Head over to Clover Lane Blog - she is very wise.
I wish I had her advice when I was a first time mom. I now feel like I get it. I have done both the daycare and stay at home stints.
If daycare is your only option then you will adjust in time. I walk by a home daycare in our neighborhood sometimes at drop off and also pick up. My advice (comes from observing these families) is to never be in such a hurry that you are impatient with your Henry when he may be fussy about going in, and not to rush him out when he may want to tell you about his day and observe things around him. This is his way of catching you up on all the things he learned from the daycare and focusing you on what is important to him -You.
Blessings to your sweet family this Christmas and in the New Year!
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