Yesterday I ran into Pier 1 for a client and I had to talk to myself out of buying this....

Okay, I will be straight with you, it was actually this one....

I know, I know, you are questioning my taste, at this moment I am too. I have an excuse though. You know those things you always want to buy even though you don't need
one more (probably because you can't stop buying them)? Usually this particular vice of mine falls victim to the coat/tee shirt category....

However, there is something about a mug that I find hard to resist. Especially if it has initials...

Numerous times I have almost bought the mugs above (Anthropologie) and below (West Elm).

I have been able to exert a significant amount of self control over the years but sometimes it is hard. Which leaves me wondering what is it exactly that draws me to mugs? I don't know to be honest.
Other items that randomly yet often tempt me: pencils, paper napkins and coffee table books.
So let's hear it, what do you find yourself constantly wanting to buy over and over for no apparent rhythm or reason?
The items that I can not resist are pens and paper.
I wasn't able to resist the Anthro mugs and I definitely never say no to notebooks and journals.
I cannot resist mugs either!!! Did you buy any of those small anthropologie bowls of numerous colors?? Those I love as well and i leave them out on the counter for some color :)
I totally get the initials fetish... I but ANYTHING that has an "M" on it... (the initial for my last name). My hubbs is getting pretty annoyed about it, but I can't help it! I also buy a lot of cardigans... I LOVE hearing other people's moments of lusts while shopping! ha!
There is something about Sharpie pens and design magazines that I cant get enough of. I have stacks and stacks of magazines and I always find a reason NOT to throw them out!
There's just something about having a cute selection of mugs in the morning :) I always want to buy them too!
Everything, does that count?
I have a dish obsession, fall, summer, formal, white, everyday, all sorts of dishes...and glass too. And I have to buy everything in 12's for some reason, LOL!
I'm mostly winter clothing or toiletries. I have THREE winter coats and that doesnt include jackets, wind breakers, hoodies... oh my! Nothing subsides the desire to snatch up a new one.
Well, I have many - lamps, chairs, pillows, cute notebooks, pretty dishes, and tablecloths! My favorite mug is plain white and really thick stoneware so it keeps my coffee warm for a longer time!
I'm addicted to fabric. Whenever I see a pretty one, I buy a yard or 2. I tell myself it will make a great pillow, table runner, or placemat/napkins. But somehow I never get around to doing the sewing.
I guess admitting I have a problem is the first step...right?
I love the last set of mugs. Those initials are darling. I am always picking up milk glass! I make sure to stop in to some thrift stores weekly to see if I can add anything new and unique. I get so excited when I find a new one!!
magazines. I know they are an inspiration, but I then have a hard time letting go. Its ridiculous how many I get a month.
I'm like Mary, I buy fabric for absolutely no reason. I see fabric that I love and have to buy a yard or two, or even worse if I find a remnant bolt, I have to buy it all. So I end up with 3 1/2 yards of a gorgeous fabric that sits and waits for me to do something with it, taunting me with my lack of progress. You'd think with this addiction, I'd be showcasing tons of fabric projects - not so much.
At least you'd get some use out of your mug addiction.
I'm joining the "I Buy Too Much Fabric" group also. Just bought some more today. I also have a problem with buying boots. My husband can't even begin to understand.
I have a salad plate problem...they are so pretty on top of my white everyday. You can change your look in a sec. I have plates for all seasons, occasions. Too bad my cabinet space is so limited! -Ann
I wish we had all cute mugs. Clients give me mugs (corp. clients) Bryan brings them home from the hospital...they are not cute.
I never can walk out of a store without a knick knack of any kind! Mugs (love the elephant by the way), tins, little ceramic figures... I just love little things like that.
I like the giraffe mug, so maybe i should question my taste. I am always buying key chains that I dont need. How many keycharms does one woman need??? lol. a
Cute little notebooks! They are the last thing I need more of, but they are just so stinkin' adorable...
Much love,
Future Mama
Ditto to the mugs. I guess it's because I'm such a huge fan of coffee that the vessel in which I hold it must be very special. I often search for mugs are art and craft fairs, one of kind numbers.
I love note cards, baskets, and lately I keep buying little picture frames.
BTW, I actually LIKE those animal mugs. I think the handles are clever.
Pillows and lamps, I know they are so big to store, crazy, but I still keep looking and trust me I do NOT need another one. It use to be napkins but as you see i have moved on to bigger items,Kathysue
Oh I just remembered LIP G:OSS that is a whole other show!
I have the West Elm mug with my initial on it and I love it! IT is the perfect size for a cup o' joe. :)
I love a good monogram and really want the Anthro mug. I also love pretty paper napkins and gorgeous notecards.
The elephant and Giraffe are both adorable..and I don't even drink coffee!
pillows. more and more pillows. i need more pillows!
Jackets/coats. ALWAYS! It's the first thing I go toward!
Hahaha...nice that you can be so truthful! Guess what my friend has? Two of the monkey mugs and to add insult to injury, she has the teapot too!!! She told me she got an awesome gift for Christmas from her uncle and when I finally saw what it was, I couldn't help but chuckle. Now every time I go to her home that is what we use to have our usual cup of tea and I wouldn't want it any other way!
Those mugs are so neat! I have a hard time resisting really cool ones that I find different places. I tend to like things to match so much, so I usually don't end up purchasing them-but only after I drool.
Where did you find those personalized mugs?
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