Sunday, June 27, 2010

Quiet Time

Safety is not found in the absence of danger but in the presence of God.
We want God to change our circumstances, but God wants to use our circumstances to change us.

Christians are supposed to be the light of the world, but you can't be a light if you are not plugged in.



Anonymous said...

Love it !!! Great Sunday read !

Anonymous said...

Lovely, as always, Marianne! I'm especially loving this week's photo, too. :) Hope your Sunday is full of blessings!

Anonymous said...

So good and so true!

Dorcas said...

So very true! Thank you for sharing!

Laura Quaglia (Fun With This and That) said...

That is so true. Thank you for stopping by. nice to meet you Laura Q

Kelle Dame said...

Loved this and needed it. Thank you! Happy Monday!

Becky Holmes said...

I adore this comment! If only we committed as much time to Him as we do to other things in our our light would shine!!

Rachel said...

I thought I'd share this with you. You know, this sounds totally silly, but it's been giving me a lot of food for thought the last couple of weeks - a couple of weeks ago we watched "Evan Almighty" and I took away from it a great thought/idea... that when you pray for something, like patience (which is big for me), God may not just give you more patience, but he might give you a situation where you can learn to have more patience. Defintely something I've been carrying with me since then. Sometimes we can hear God's thoughts in the strangest of places!! (Like silly movies!)

24 Corners said...

So profound Marianne...need to remember this and need to stay plugged in...I'm so easily able to unplug.

Thank you and have a wonderful week! :)