Saturday, November 28, 2009

Simple Inspiration


Stephanie Sabbe said...

oooh, I love all of these. so cozy

My Notting Hill said...

Great inspiration. Love all the simplicity - thanks!

galvanized garden said...

Always love forced bulbs in the winter...especially all the white ones!

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Fabulous inspiration, thank you! I really like the picture with the wreath hanging in the window...just lovely! ~Liz

Chic Coles said...

These images are really simple and beautiful! I cannot wait to start decorating my home for the holidays. Thank you for the inspiration.

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

Thanks soooo much for sharing these images...I had FUN looking! Hope you have an awesome week!


Dumbwit Tellher said...

Simply - the best! xx

down comforter said...

Such great images - LOVE the third one :)

Meals by Misty said...

I could not have read this post at a better time! We just got home from Mississippi and I was sitting in my blogging chair staring at my stockings that have no mantle to hang on. I'm going to try the stockings hung from the twine (picture 3). Hope your Thanksgiving was fantastic!

Brooke @ Blueprint Bliss said...

These are all so 'me'!

LindsB said...

lovely photos, I love the garland on the stairs, simple but beautiful!

Furniture movers said...

I love looking at room interiors that has plant decors on it. It looks organic and very fresh.

Canon digital cameras said...

The rooms’ looks lovely. It’s very elegant and sophisticated.