Wednesday, November 11, 2009

If I had a fairy Godmother

If I had a fairy Godmother she would look like this*......
And she would bring me this dress that I am obsessed with after seeing it on Delight by Design...
*Little known fact about me- I LOVE Dolly Parton, seriously love her. I don't know what it is, I think she probably reminds me of summers spent at Dollywood with my Grandparents which are some of the best memories. Or maybe that she marches to the beat of her own drum and can poke fun at herself. Anyhoo, of all the famous people in the world I would want to meet her. She just seems so sweet and genuinely nice. Okay, enough crazy for one day...


Design A-Peele said...

cracks me up! At first, when I saw her pic on google reader I thought it barbie and thought that's a reasonable Fairy God mother. Little did I know it was Dolly ;)

Dumbwit Tellher said...

Marianne - how cool are you? You constantly surprise me. I adore the dress & so admire Ms. Dolly. What a great childhood you had! xx

Molly said...

I share your sentiments...i love Dolly so much (& have always loved her)! So much so that I insisted on dressing like her for Halloween when I was 6. Was awesome.

My favorite Dolly story was about how when she was a child she was "in town" with her mother & they passed this woman Dolly thought was just so sparkly & beautiful. Dolly asked her mother who the woman was, & her mother told her it was the "town tramp." Always cracks me up. Such a sense of humor, that Dolly! And her voice! Oh, my, excuse the long comment, it's just rare that I encounter another Dolly fan!

Stephanie Sabbe said...

ditto on me some Dolly Parton

Anonymous said...

"I wear a size six, but a seven feels so good I buy a size eight!" -DP

megan @ a life's design said...

Dolly would be a fabulous Godmother!

Anonymous said...

I've loved Dolly Parton ever since "Nine to Five" which cracked me up even as a kid! I love that she is so down to earth and FUNNY and totally able to make fun of herself. She makes hilarious jokes about her figure and make-up and general image that makes you realize that everything she does is with a little wink and a laugh! I love her spirit!