There is nothing like a quick face lift, when it comes to pillows at least. Sometimes when clients want a quick change, or need a somewhat solid pillow but don't want it to be completely plain I will add a tape to the face.

Little designs add to a pillow can make a big difference...
Image BHG July 2009We added a neutral trim to the front of this floral pillow for a client because we wanted to bring a little twist to a traditional fabric...

It doesn't have to be just pillows though, these chairs are inspiration for quick tape updates..

Love this slipcover from
LEE. Em- I am thinking about you with this one....
MJ Trim is a great place to start when looking for a little something to add to pillows...

Of course it does not have to be a trim/braid/band, it can be ribbon too...
Image EtsyWhich makes me think of
this book, which brought me to this picture....

Which brought me to this, the
cutest school house I have seen!

I know, somehow my post on quick fixes for pillows lead me to a
cottage I adore....

What is your favorite quick fix?
Lampshades are a wonderful quick fix!!!! Take out the boring shades that come with your lamps and put in box pleat silk or smocked or woven paper!
Love your blog!!!
Ooh, I really adore that kitchen!!
And I like that trick.. must store this for later use!
Oh love this post. For a quick face lift in a room I normally just start moving around accessories from one room to the next to try and get a new look at minimal cost. It also helps me to have another pair of eyes, because sometimes I've been looking at the room for so long that I stop seeing things.
Pillows definitely add a little something when you are looking for a quick fix. Love the grosgrain pillows! We will have to check out his book. Also love the school house cottage, I could move right in!
oh, i LOVE those slipcovers. love.
What brand are the pillows in the top picture? Love that ikat one!
Love all the pictures but that school house rocks!! I have it saved in my favorites file.
I really love that school house, I would love to live there!
That schoolhouse is beyond cute! I love the tape idea for sprucing up a cushion!
I love how this post went from one thing, to the next, to the next! You make me smile. :)
My fave quick fix is definitely paint.
Love this post and I am obsessed with John Loecke- how have I never seen this book before?!?
Going to buy it ASAP- thanks for the heads up!!
I am trying to remember where the first picture is from. It has been on my computer for a while to show clients, this was before I was blogging and better about keeping up with sources. I want to say it is Robert Allen/ Beacon Hill but I can't find it on their web site. I will keeping looking though...
I love to update my throw pillows, accessories and always fresh flowers.
I love these little designs...they go an awfully long way!
I LOVE that cottage!!
I want that AMAZING school house! And the 1st picture is also to die for! Love!
I keep drawers of accessories and switch them in and out. I also switch accessories into different rooms!
Fabulous post! Pillows are the easiest way to freshen a room. That school house is too adorable.
I love the cottage.
I would love to have that cottage as like a summer home!
I the ribbon on the chair. How fun! And this is the cutest little cottage ever.
Absolutely love the pillow pick-me-up idea. I add new accessories, or reassign items I already have to different shelves, tables, rooms. I love fresh flowers for a quick fix, too. They are only a temp-fix, but they give a lift to the room and to my spirit.
Oh wow how nice!!!
That cottage is heavenly!
The little yellow door and all the interior green trim on the cottage is so cute!
I dog-eared that Lee ad with the slipped chair - I LOVE it!
I am the toss cushion queen (with my clients) they truly make or break a living room and people that don't really have any don't realize what a big difference the right ones make!
Great post!
That cottage is too cute! I really love the slipcover, too - beautifully tailored.
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