I am sorry that this post will be less than stellar. I got back late last night from Atlanta (it was good, Celerie was GREAT, but that will have to wait until Monday). This afternoon I turn around and leave again to Nashville to meet my new nephew. In the meantime, today I am presenting at "Career Day" all morning, which makes me feel very uncomfortable. For some reason this episode of Sex in the City popped in my head.

Do you remember this one? Carrie is asked to be a model and then the day of the show they whip out the new outfit? Then, she falls on the runway and Heidi Klum walks over her. So, Career Day is nothing like that, and I am definitely not comparing myself to the show, I guess it is the whole doing something out of your element that made me think of it.
Anyhoo, I quickly snapped these pictures in a bar in Oxford last weekend because I love when you walk into a bathroom and find something completely unexpected.

It reminded me of growing up when my parents would let me stick stickers, posters, etc. all over the walls of my room. While I REALLY love doing children's rooms sometimes I am still shocked about how different they are than mine or any of my friends rooms were growing up. Not that either one is bad, they are just so much chicer these days.
Okay, I may be back today but that is probably it until Monday. Next week I will have a report on what insight Celerie shared and hopefully some client room pictures. Also, I can't wait to catch up on my blog reading, I am so behind! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
i was wathcing this episode last night!!
my parents let me poster and do all that to my walls in middle school..not an inch was left untouched...BSB and NYSNC and lea di caprio mania
OMG she's fashion roadkill! LOVED that one. Have a good weekend!
Fun bathroom - definitely a throwback to the Duran Duran days :)
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