
Monday, January 5, 2015

Back To It, Hello 2015

Hello there, if you are like me then today is your first day back after a nice long break...which is hard but welcomed at the same time.  I love this time of year because I am always in need of a recharge and I like to reflect back on the past year and look ahead as well.  2014 was one amazing year.  The most special part was the birth of our second son Sam, he has been a blessing beyond words.  It was also a year of a lot of change and growth with the business which was very exciting.  I came off of 2013 exhausted and while 2014 was exhausting as well, it had that spark that made it not feel the same way.  This break gave me some clarity I needed and I am looking forward to continuing to build my business while also focusing on balance.  

In addition to the family and work excitement, we also sold our house in December and will be moving into our new house in just a few weeks.  My brain has started working through all the things I want to do with this house but you know how it goes...cobbler's kids not having shoes, etc.  I hope to be able to share the progress here on the blog so stay tuned.  

I am so excited to see what 2015 has in store, what God has in store.  I hope you all were able to rest and recharge over the holidays and I wish for you a very happy 2015!


  1. Where are you moving?? I guess I'll find out soon :) Hope it's not too far away from us :)

    Melissa G.

  2. 2015 is shaping up to be an exciting one for you already - best of luck!!
    xo. Leslie
    Segreto Finishes


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