
Sunday, August 10, 2014

Quiet Time

Today was Samuel's baptism.  There are really no words I could write here that would adequately describe what today meant to me- us.  The only thing that comes to mind is the verse from which his name came:

For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of Him. Samuel 1:27

We prayed so many prayers for Samuel and he is a blessing beyond words.  Today was, among other things, a way of giving thanks to God.  I pray that Samuel may know the love of Jesus all the days of his life.


  1. What a beautiful picture and story.... I love this verse from 1. Samuel 1.27!!! Be blessed!

  2. Love his name and the story behind it. Your dress is gorgeous. Where did you get it? I've been looking for something similar to wear to my bother's wedding . Thanks!

  3. Audrey, the dress is from Anthropologie but it is from last year, sorry I know that doesn't help!


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