
Friday, June 13, 2014

Samuel Strong Is Here!

For this child I prayed, and the LORD has given me my petition which I asked of Him.  1 Samuel 1:27

Our newest family addition, Samuel Hopkins Strong arrived Tuesday, June 10th in perfect health.  We could not be more smitten and everyone is doing well.  
 For those wondering how Henry is adjusting this picture about sums it up….He thinks Samuel is great but trucks, trains and diggers are still much more interesting.  He has been really sweet, he is going to be a great big brother.
 I hated to come home because the nurses and staff at St. Vincent's make life so easy in the hospital but I did want to share with you what was waiting when I came home.  Thank you Kitty and Alexia for this gorgeous surprise….
I hope y'all had a wonderful week as well!  I will be in and out as we adjust to becoming a family of 4.


  1. Congratulations! It seems everyone is adjusting to Samuel's arrival. He is absolutely beautiful.

  2. precious. wishing your new little man a lifetime of health and happiness...donna

  3. congratulations! so happy for you.

  4. Blessings to you, your little miracle and welcome home. How sweet are those flowers to come home to. Congratulations!

  5. Congrats, Marianne! I love that name so much :)

  6. Congrats! Nothing like a new baby!

  7. He is precious and am so happy for you and your family! Love his name and you are beautiful as ever! Congratulations Marianne!

  8. Congratulations!!!!! He is adorable and you look fabulous!!!! I hope you are all settling in well. best,


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