
Monday, April 7, 2014

Preen Prints

 I saw a different version of this dress in a magazine over the weekend and I could not get enough of the pattern.  I cruised on over to Net-A-Porter to check it out and even though they did not have the original dress, they did have these.

I would take one of each if I could justify spending that on clothing at the moment.  Nevertheless, I continued to look around and when my clothing money tree does grow, I think Preen might reign supreme as my current favorite.  Just a few more with a pattern play I love.


  1. Loooove this post!! These outfits are so cute! Great blog! xo kelly

  2. Nice blog! I like the style and the fact that you didn't pick just one thing to post about but to include different stuff, all with the same scent :)


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